Friday, December 12, 2008

Just for Laughs

Today I went in to work for a few hours, the first time I had been back since the mono started. Lets just say it didn't go to well, and I won't be trying that again for awhile. I need to recover a bit more before I try that again!
However, while at work today I saw something that made me laugh. I work at a large academic center and frequently bump into, consult with, and care for patients of prestigious doctors. Today, I happened to look up and see on of our world renowned neurosurgeons and one of his fellows (also fairly well known) walking down the hall together. Actually, they weren't exactly walking, they were both quacking like ducks, flapping their arms, and chasing each other down the ER hallway. In front of patients, staff, and visitors! I turned to the nurse next to me and asked "is that Dr. S0-and-So quacking like a duck? She quickly assured me that it was indeed the prestigious neurosurgeon on his way to see another brain-injured patient. After a good, long laugh at the situation we both had to admit that he is one of the most cool doctors either one of us has ever been privileged to work with. His sense of humor never fades, and while he tolerates nothing less the than absolute best for his patients, he is always willing to go the extra mile and explain something or help out in any way. And yes, even willing to quack like a duck to make the work day less tedious!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mono, Ugh

Well, apparently I am not "just a little sick", unlike what I told everybody. Apparently I have mono. Let me just say this, MONO IS NOT NICE!!! I have been sick for a week already, and am feeling only a very tiny bit better. I hope to feel better son, as my National Registry Paramedic exam is on Saturday. What a way to study for it!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


My apologies to any readers I may have, as my posting has been rather non-existent lately. Between working, visiting family for Thanksgiving, and studying for my Paramedic National Registry Exam, I have been rather busy. Then, I got knocked off my feet this week by a horrendous cold/flu bug. Nasty fever, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, and sore neck. This is day 4 of this bug, and I can actually lift my head off the pillow for about 15 minutes at a time. After 15 mins, I am totally exhausted and nap for awhile. I have actually called in to work sick for 2 days in a row. I have never called in sick before! I worked on a broken foot before, and insisted on a walking cast so I could keep working. But, today I decided that if I can't stay awake long enough to even drive there, I won't be doing them much good! This morning, it took me 3 hours to drink a cup of tea and eat a banana in between naps.
So, that's my excuse for not posting much lately! While I'm recovering, check out this guy's website: Make sure to read his lecture notes on "Top 10 issues in EMS for 2009". He was one of the speakers at the EMS conference I attended, and this lecture was really insightful, and I have several thoughts on it that I will post at some later date. In the meantime, I hope you and your families are enjoying health, each other, and the holidays!